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International Engagement – Principles and Guidance



With our academic community driving the majority of the University's international activity, individuals are encouraged to pursue and develop collaborations and flourish in whichever way best suits them. To support this work, the International Support Services (ISS) was established.

Supporting the delivery of the University's international strategy and implementing the Principles of International Engagement, the ISS aims to ensure that the University’s international activities are effectively supported, appropriately coordinated, and aligned with broader University objectives.

With both virtual and physical connections being formed as part of our activity across the globe there is also a need to navigate the increasingly complex international and geopolitical environment. The ISS actively supports the community to steer the risks and requirements through coordination, process and advice.


The ISS supports our academic community in navigating the complexities of international engagement by:

  • Developing comprehensive resources to build awareness around the risks associated with international activities, striving to ensure that our community is well-informed and prepared.
  • Our International Engagement Hub offers expert guidance, highlighting key considerations for successful international collaboration.
  • By collaborating with experts across the University, we continuously create new guidance and processes to support these activities.
  • The International Support Helpdesk is always available to provide personalised support, addressing any concerns or questions that arise, ensuring a smooth and secure experience
  • Working with the Public International Partnerships team within the Strategic Partnerships Office to develop larger, more complex international collaborations.


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